We are all out here living, but Which of us are actually out here living on purpose with a purpose? I caught up with Speaker, Coach, and Best Selling Author, Tia Ross to chat about living a purposeful life, and what that’s looked like for her.
We talked about her best selling book, Living on Purpose with a Purpose, in which she shares her journey from living an unfocused and scattered life to a purposeful one. We also talked about what changed for her, and how she turned things around to live more intentionally, and we talk about things you can do today for FREE to start living a more purposeful life wherever you are. Check out the replay below!
Ladies Takeover Thursdays
Episode 12
Original Broadcast on 09.28.17
Including Tracks By: Rihanna, Kanye West, OutKast, Outkast, Ludacris and more.
Tia Ross – International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Coach
We’ll talk about her life, her book, Living On Purpose With A Purpose, Going From Struggle to Strive,
The Change that Changed Everything, and her work with youth.